A Brief History of Our Desire to be a Part of a Prophetic Company
We have desired to see prophetic companies of people raised up throughout the earth for as long as we can remember. Our education/training in the prophetic began as members of our local church, The Upper Room Fellowship, in Columbiana, Ohio.
The seeds were first planted each year we attended the Ohio Prophetic Conferences, hosted by Apostolic Team Ministries International, throughout the ’80s. We sat under the teachings of such well-known prophetic voices as Dr. David Ireland, Dr. Mark Chironna, and Mickey Robinson, among many others.
We were then asked to participate in a small group of believers who had shown potential in the area of the prophetic and were willing to “practice” on one another. Within that group, we received mentoring and we learned how to exercise our faith “muscles.”
Looking back, we can see now that we also grew to love prophesying as a team in that safe place.
Short-Term Mission Trips, Bible School, and Serving as Pastors
Our next chapters in our prophetic journey were written while serving Harvest Preparation International as both short-term missionaries and as their Team Hosts/Pastoral Liaisons; attending Elim Bible Institute and serving as pastors, ordained and licensed by Elim Fellowship of Lima, NY.
The Father’s Blessing, John Wimber’s Kingdom of God Teaching, and Mike Bickle‘s Bride of Christ Conference, and the International House of Prayer
More Anointing, More Impartation
It is also worth noting that we traveled to Toronto on several occasions to participate in the Catch The Fire Conferences taking place at the Airport Vineyard.
We also attended the late John Wimber’s Kingdom of God Conference in Detroit and Mike Bickle’s Bride of Christ Conference at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City.
We were following the Favor of God, believing for an impartation, and having anointed hands laid on us any chance we got.
Present Day
More recently, we have been influenced by nationally-known, strong prophetic personalities like Kris Vallotton, Dan McCollum, and Keith Ferrante. We have spent hours listening to their podcasts, being trained via their classes online, and reading their books. We even traveled to Bethel Church in Redding, California for one of the leadership conferences hosted there.
Embracing the Emerging Prophets
In his book, “Embracing the Emerging Prophets,” Keith Ferrante wrote the following:
“We as leaders must be willing to allow time and continued opportunities in safe environments to flush out the prophetic voices we need in our midst. They will need regular feedback, encouraging, and adjusting if they will ever get to be healthy. We can’t expect to have great team dynamics when we don’t give the team time to develop and trust.”
Keith Ferrante, Embracing the Emerging Prophets, page 84
Moving Forward
As mentioned above, we experienced the kind of healthy environment Keith describes within that small group years ago in our local church. We find ourselves able to impart to others the grace we that was imparted to us when we have opportunities locally or when we travel overseas to do prophetic seminars and leadership workshops. This website, first developed for our former missions organization, Heart to Hearts Ministries, carries the DNA of the desire to work and grow in a healthy prophetic company of people. We hope to utilize its effectiveness to its fullest potential in the days ahead.
Currently, we are active members of Life Center in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. One exciting element of our involvement there is the Clear River Entrepreneurial Network (CREN). We expect the connections we are establishing through those organizations to be mutually beneficial as we grow in our understanding and share our respective journeys.
Next Steps…
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